Year 3 _Final Year Project (UTAR)

Assignment : 

  1. Think of a series of products/ services. 
  2. Make it realistic to sell in the market. 
  3. Think of an idea and concept to target the audience. 
  4. Think of a name and branding your products. 
  5. Above the line and below the line advertisement. 

Gactus Beauty Spa is a well-known Spa centre at Kedah, Malaysia. The first outlet is located at Alor Star, Kedah, has more than 12 treatment service provided. The services do offer various choices to customer to choose for relaxing. The shop has a grain decoration with the concept of "Nature Modern Spa" to make customer feel comfortable and refresh. The color of the whole environment is warm, and its shows welcome to the customer. The Spa treatment and massage are definitely make you feel indulge in relaxing yourself. One of the popular treatments of the shop provided is cactus spa treatment. The idea of cactus spa treatment is unique, it is using the raw cactus plant to extract for the body treatment.


Billboard advertisement.

